XMM-Newton An XXL extragalactic survey: prospects for the XMM next decade
Workshop, 14-16 April 2008, Paris

Welcome | Context | Programme | Science | Contribution | Participants | ( SOCadm )

a XXL survey of Paris
a 200 deg survey of Paris from Observatoire de la Sorbonne
(5 min walk from Institut Curie)

Workshop Rationale

Workshop Programme (+ Presentations)

Science Cases and Contributions
(comprehensive material sent for the workshop preparation)

The XXL Discussion Forum

Scientific Organizing Committee

Street map of Paris & Metro map

Cultural evening: Along the Méridien de Paris (April 15th)

The Quartier Latin

Picture of the meeting
Info: XXL_Science@astro.ulg.ac.be Info: XXL_Local@astro.ulg.ac.be

Picture of the meeting

another XXL survey...
Steve Murray


Amphithéâtre Marie Curie - Institut Curie - Rue Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 5ème

Web Pages : Alain Detal, May 2008.