
     Most of the stars pulsate like tuning forks, singing a song precisely correlated with their internal structure. Helioseismology has shown since about forty years that the Sun could be probed down to its very internal layers. The solar helium abundance, the depth of the convective envelope, the internal law of rotation, the distribution of the sound speed throughout the Sun, all these results are tremendous successes obtained from the analysis of solar pulsations. Similarly, asteroseismology is a blossoming field and ground-based observations and especially space-borne missions, coupled with more and more precise and complete theoretical models, are due to allow us to enter the stars and "see" what physical processes are at work.

Scientific committee for this workshop:

       Aerts ConnyKULeuven, Belgium (co-chair)
       Cuypers JanROB, Belgium
       De Cat PeterROB, Belgium
       De Ridder JorisKULeuven, Belgium
       Montalban Josefina    ULg, Belgium
       Noels ArletteULg, Belgium (co-chair)
       Scuflaire RichardULg, Belgium
       Thoul AnneULg, Belgium

Plenary Talks:

Thursday - 7 July 2005       Room: 304
11h10~12h00 How can we probe the interiors of stars?
Donald Wayne Kurtz

Centre for Astrophysics, University of Central Lancashire, UK

Afternoon talks:

Wednesday - 6 July 2005: Observations       Room: 204
13h30~14h30 Invited talk:
Observational Aspects of Asteroseismology
Gerald Handler

Institut für Astronomie der Universität Wien, Wien, Austria
14h30-15h00 Analysis of Mercator data Part I: variable B stars
P. De Cat, M. Briquet, C. Aerts, K. Goossens, J. Cuypers, K. Yakut, R. Scuflaire, M.-A. Dupret and lots of observers
15h00-15h30 Analysis of Mercator data Part II: variable A & F stars
J. Cuypers, P. De Cat, K. Goossens, C. Aerts and lots of observers
15h30-16h00 Coffee break
16h00-16h30 A new spectroscopic mode identification method
W. Zima
16h30-17h00 Radial Velocity Variations in K Giants: Planets or Pulsations?
S. Hekker, S. Reffert, A. Quirrenbach
17h00-17h30 A line-profile analysis of the large-amplitude Beta Cephei star Xi1 Canis Majoris
S. Saesen
17h30-18h00 Poster Session
Thursday - 7 July 2005: Theory       Room: S94
13h30-14h30 Invited talk:
Theoretical Aspects of Asteroseismology
Eric Michel

Observatoire de Paris, LESIA, Meudon, France
14h30-15h00 Oscillations of rapidly rotating stars
D. Reese F. Lignières M. Rieutord
15h00-15h30 Spectroscopic observations of roAp stars: HD24712
M.Sachkov, T.Ryabchikova, I.Ilyin, O.Kochukhov and T.Luftinger
15h30-16h00 Coffee break
16h00-16h30 The solar abundance crisis - Part I: Observations
N. Grevesse, M. Asplund, J. Sauval
16h30-17h00 The solar abundance crisis - Part II: Solutions ?
J. Montalban, A. Miglio
17h00-17h30 An asteroseismic study of the Beta Cep star Beta Canis Majoris
M. Desmet
17h30-18h00 Time-dependent convection: local and non-local theory
A. Grigahcène, M-A. Dupret, R. Garrido and M. Gabriel

List of posters for this session:

1. Stability analysis of the pulsating Herbig Ae star HD 104237 and the cepheid star Polaris
M.-A. Dupret, A. Grigahcene, R. Scuflaire and M.J. Goupil
2. Non-local Time-Dependent Convection models of solar-like oscillators
M.-A. Dupret, A. Grigahcene, A. Noels and M. Gabriel
3. Instability strip for pre-main-sequence stars
A. Grigahcène, M-A. Dupret, R. Garrido and M. Gabriel
4. Spectral line variations in K giants
S. Hekker, S. Reffert, A. Quirrenbach
5. Russian Small Satellite Program for Asteroseismology
M.Sachkov and V.Pinchuk
6. Excitation of oscillations in roAp stars : the roles of He settling and winds
S. Théado
7. Radiative Forces and Pulsations in Beta Cephei Stars
P.-O.Bourge, G.Alecian, A. Thoul, R. Scuflaire, S. Théado
8. Can beta Cephei Variables be Modelled with Polytropes?
M. Godart
9. The epsilon mechanism in pre-main sequence and main sequence delta Scuti stars
G. Lenain
